India Gammon | Finton House School - Part 7
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Author: India Gammon

Sustainability Fair

29th November 19

An annual event not to be missed, the Sustainability Fair showcases creativity and environmental awareness with Year 4’s sustainable inventions in the spotlight. After learning about sustainability in class, Year 4 children put their theoretical knowledge to the test. From the Desalination Sensation which turns salt water into fresh drinking water to a litter picking robot, the sheer variety of imaginative ideas was impressive. All Upper School children took their turn to visit the Fair on Thursday morning to learn more about the children’s inventions. Fantastic learning opportunity for all!

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

3rd October 19

This week we welcomed our new Pupil Council Charity Hubbub to the Upper and Lower School assemblies. Their mission is closely aligned with our aim to promote sustainability and environmental awareness in school. As a small organisation, they work in collaboration with larger businesses in the environmental sector to make a real difference. As an example, they brought together major coffee cup retailers to collect and recycle 5 million coffee cups in 1 year.

Rosie, School Reporter writes: Monday’s assembly was all about the new charity we’re supporting, called Hubbub. A lady who works with the charity came in to talk to us about what the charity is all about. “It is only a small charity,” we got told, “but we are planning to make a big difference.” The new charity we are supporting is all about plastic waste and encourages everyone to help protect the environment. Even if it’s just something small you are doing, like sorting out your recycling bins and normal rubbish bins, it can still make a big difference. Remember: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle!!!!!

You can be who you want to be

20th September 19

This week we deepened our understanding of self-belief in the Upper and Lower School assemblies. Sophie, Year 6 School Reporter writes:
Monday’s Assembly was all about self-belief. We watched a clip on being who you want to be and believing in yourself. Miss Nicki explained that a lot of teachers showed self-belief over the holidays. Mr Paul trained to play the electric guitar. Miss Susan wrote a book and although she was told that she couldn’t do it, she persevered. Miss Lindsay signed up for the marathon, she didn’t think she could do it at first but she even won a medal. Equally, Miss Alice, Miss Michelle and Miss Charmaine showed incredible self-belief. 
As I always say: “You can be who you want to be.”


12th September 19

Introducing our first goal of this term, Mr Ben addressed Upper and Lower School this week to inspire them about the importance of self-belief. With a can-do attitude, we can achieve anything if we set our mind to it. He highlighted that not only children need to show self-belief, but also adults are often faced with challenging situations which require them to believe in their own abilities and strengths.

Rosie, Year 6 School Reporter writes: “Monday’s assembly about self-belief was thrilling. kicking off with the delightful song, “Sing Hosanna,” which we all sang beautifully! Mr Ben’s well-chosen example of self-belief was about cricket player Ben Stokes rescuing England from losing sooner in The Ashes. He had been batting for an astonishing 330 minutes (5 hours and 30 minutes) in total!”

Mr Ben concluded the assembly with a powerful message: “Believing in yourself is the first secret to success!”

Welcome back!

6th September 19

Sicily, Year 6 School Reporter writes: “On the first day of term Mr Ben welcomed us all back to school. We felt excited to be top of the school as we found our seats in Trinity Chapel. We sang ‘A Little Bit of Kindness’ by Mark and Helen Johnson and everyone remembered the words from last year. When we got our responsibilities it was a great surprise, looking around all of our faces were smiling. Then we sang ‘Thank You for this World’ by Niki Davies and headed off to start our new year.”

Prize Day 2019

9th July 19

What a day! After a year of hard work, it was time to celebrate endeavour, effort, progress and achievements across the school. Assembled in Wandsworth Town Hall prize giving started with some beautiful performances by the choir, recorder ensemble and Upper School band. A variety of prizes were awarded on the day both for academic subject areas as well as rewarding excellent behaviour, diligence, enthusiasm, perseverance, resilience and initiative.

Although prize day is an occasion to celebrate, it also means saying goodbye to our leaving classes. At the end of prize giving, Year 6 could not hold back the tears when watching the film premiere with memories of their seven-year journey at Finton. A very emotional moment for the children! They will be very much missed and we hope that they will visit and tell us all about their senior schools next year.

Sports Day 2019

5th July 19

With a sunny day and an enthusiastic crowd, all children from our four houses battled in field and track events on Friday morning. The colourful display of house flags and fantastic atmosphere on the fields encouraged the children to give their very best for their house. Sports Day is not only fun for the children but it is also the perfect opportunity to teach them about teamwork, fair play, and how to overcome one’s own limits. The children certainly did us proud with their ‘I can’ attitude and enthusiasm on the day.

It is priceless to see the excitement when children cheer on their friends from the sidelines. They feel a real sense of belonging and love to be part of their team. The children do not run for their own personal success but to represent their house. The team spirit on the day was exemplary!

The much-anticipated announcement of the winners was accompanied by loud cheers from Charrington who were the overall winners of the day. Hip Hip, Hooray!
All children had a fantastic day and the main credit for this lies with our PE team who have once again organised a brilliant sports event for the children. Thank you!

Year 6 Play 2019

5th July 19

Travel with us on a new adventure…

On Wednesday, Year 6 had their final debut showing off the finest Finton House acting talent. The audience was in tears as the children told the hilarious tales of the infamous pirate, Captain Swaggersword.

Every year Mr Paul surprises us with his talent of writing the most humorous and funny scripts for the Year 6 play. This year was certainly no exception. The jokes were on point and the lines perfectly rehearsed. The children slipped into their new roles as if they were born to be pirates, sailors, street sellers and navy admirals. A brilliant performance and fantastic memory to treasure for years to come!

Chicken Licken, Foxy Loxy, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Lucy,…

17th May 19

Oh, what joy! The delightful story of Chicken Licken was performed by our Reception classes this week. Poor Chicken Licken was convinced that the sky was falling when an acorn dropped on her head. As she rushed off to tell the King of her discovery, she met up with seven friends who join her in her quest. A humorous mini-musical, which the children performed brilliantly.


28th April 19

On Monday 11th March, Upper School gathered at Trinity Chapel, bustling with excitement in anticipation of a very special visit by David Walliams. The children’s book author and Britain’s Got Talent judge shared his passion for writing books with the pupils and read extracts from his latest bestsellers. The children were enthralled whilst listening to him read. Some lucky children even got to ask him a question and received a signed copy of one of his books. He certainly inspired a future generation of authors! We are extremely grateful to David for spending time with us here at Finton House. We would also like to thank Atticus’s dad Mr Bruce who made this visit possible, thank you!